Monday Mixed Cardiff In-House comp

Monday Mixed Winter / Spring Comp

Monday Mixed Schedule Full Results View Teams Spares Rankings Stats

Pos. Name Pts. Against Where & When Pts
1 Thunder 748 Amigos 7:30pm Cardiff 249
2 Ninjas 729 Dominators 7:30pm Cardiff 261
3 Power 722 Rebels 7:30pm Cardiff 244
4 Terminators 716 Hot Shots 7:30pm Cardiff 242
5 Rebels 713 Power 7:30pm Cardiff 235
6 Returners 700 Bandits 7:30pm Cardiff 242
7 Amigos 698 Thunder 7:30pm Cardiff 227
8 Gladiators 684 All Stars 7:30pm Cardiff 247
9 Dominators 676 Ninjas 7:30pm Cardiff 247
10 Bandits 627 Returners 7:30pm Cardiff 208
11 Warriors 625 Elite 7:30pm Cardiff 212
12 All Stars 544 Gladiators 7:30pm Cardiff 173
13 Chargers 503 7:30pm BYE
14 Elite 453 Warriors 7:30pm Cardiff 237
15 Hot Shots 420 Terminators 7:30pm Cardiff 223
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League Organizer(s)

Dave Street

Medowie, New South Wales, AU
